1206 Somerville Rd
Decatur, AL 35603
I ONLY use FDA approved BOTOX® Cosmetic from the Allergan Corporation.
I ONLY use the standard Allergan recommended dilution of 4 units of BOTOX® per injection site.
I use "unit" pricing to charge for BOTOX® injections, which is the fairest way to charge.
The effect of BOTOX is to weaken an active muscle on the face that causes dynamic wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles are the deep wrinkles caused by the muscles on your face that make expressions. Obviously you can not weaken some of the facial muscles because you need them to do things like close your eyes, smile and talk. But there are muscles in the face that cause animation that we don't really need, especially when those muscles cause wrinkles. The classic areas to treat are the frown lines, the forehead wrinkles and the crow's feet wrinkles.
To prevent frowning, Botox is injected into the muscles that cause this facial motion.
The paired corrugator muscles and the procerus muscle.
This was the original treatment area for which Botox received FDA approval.
Trying To Frown
Botox To Treat Frowning
The injection procedure is done in the office without the need for any anesthesia. The injection is done with a very fine diabetic needle and there is very little discomfort. It only takes a few minutes to do the injections in the frown line area. The smoothing effect of BOTOX® will occur in 3 to 5 days. At that time, if you look in the mirror and try to frown, you just can't! It's great! I love doing BOTOX® for patients because it makes so many people so happy!
Do not take any aspirin, Motrin, Aleve or other similar drugs for 7 to 10 days prior to coming to the office for your injection because they can make you bruise after the injections.
How It Works
here is virtually no post-injection discomfort after BOTOX® injections. Some patients will have very mild tenderness at the injection sites the next day. As the muscles begin to get affected by the medicine, some patients will feel a little pressure between their eyebrows, like mild sinus pressure. This sensation this will only last a couple of days, if it occurs. If you need something mild for pain you can take Tylenol because it does not affect bleeding so it won't contribute to bruising.
Botox To Treat Frowning
There is no time off from work required. Many of our patients come to the office during their lunch hour. We are very careful not to cause any bruising and you can apply make up immediately after the injections. There is no limitation of activities at all.
Botox To Treat Crow's feet
When I do your BOTOX® injection for the first time I will want to see you again in 2 to3 weeks to make certain you have a good result is and to make sure you like it. I want to be certain that I injected your muscles properly. I keep a record of your injections sites because sometimes minor adjustments are made through time to make sure you have the best result. The muscle weakening will last for 3 months and you should call the office prior to the effect wearing completely off so I can re-inject you.
Botox To Treat Forehead
Botox To Treat Neck Bands
You can resume all of your normal activities immediately.
Juvederm® Injections
I ONLY use FDA approved Juvederm® Ultra XC from the Allergan Corporation
This product has the lidocaine numbing medicine mixed with the Juvederm
Juvederm To Treat Smile Lines
The injection procedure is done in the office without any anesthesia. We chill the skin with an electronic chiller. Juvederm Ultra XC comes with lidocaine, a numbing medicine, mixed in with the product. The injection is done with a very fine needle that comes from the manufacturer. There is mild discomfort as the material is injected into the dermis of the skin. The dermis of the skin is sensitive to pressure pain and this is what causes the discomfort as the dermis is expanded and filled with the substance shown diagrammatically below. It only takes a few minutes to do the injections. The smoothing effect of Juvederm® is immediate, when you leave the office the wrinkles that were treated will be filled. There will be some additional mild swelling over the next 24 to 48 hours.
It is crucial that for 10 days prior to your injection you do not take any aspirin, arthritis or other muscle ache pain medicines. These medicines will make you bruise more and can lead to other complications. The ONLY pain or headache medicine that is safe to take is Tylenol (acetaminophen) because this does not affect blood clotting and bleeding.
How It Works
Juvederm To Treat Smile Lines
There is mild post-injection discomfort after Juvederm® at the injection sites the next day. This will only last for 24 to 48 hours. If you need something mild for pain you can take Tylenol because it does not affect bleeding so it won't contribute to bruising.
There is no time off from work required. Many of our patients come to the office after work. By the next day there is very little evidence that anything has been done except for mild selling. Although we are careful to try to prevent bruising, occasionally there can be some bruising. You can apply make up immediately after the injections. I do not want you to try to feel or massage the Juvederm® that I have injected. This could shift the material and harm your result.
Juvederm To Treat Marionette Lines
When I do your Juvederm® injection I will want to see you again in 3 to 4 weeks to make certain you have a good result is and to make sure you like it.
There is no limitation of normal daily activities except I do not want you to do strenuous exercise or work-outs for 24 to 48 hours.
© 2005 - 2020 Gordon M. Telepun, MD
Providing care to patients in Decatur, Huntsville, Madison, Hartselle, Florence, Muscle Shoals
Photographs May Not Be Reproduced, Written Text and Descriptions are Copyrighted and May Not Be Reproduced